Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Sometimes I think Rayna is the only one who reads my blogs. If this is not, true, I relaly wish other people would comment, you know, just to say hello.

I don't know if any of you have read the Washington Compost during the campaign, but I think it's very cute that they always referred to Kerry as John F. Kerry. I guess it didn't help him seem presidential enough, but God bless 'em, they tried.


clara said...

i pop by now and again.

ps: thank you for using "were" in its respective place. i think we've had a conversation about that once or twice.

Kitty said...

Hello! I read your blog and I'm saying Hello!
If you are in NY for Thanksgiving, tell my son Hello and that I miss him. He's roommates with SS and Liripipe. Bye, Kitty

LMO said...

That's who you are KM? Oh I feel like such a loser for not knowing that. Oh well, in that case, I talked to your son a few weeks ago when I called Liripipe. He's a good kid. Or so I think...

And I am not replying to the girl with something in her eye cause I don't want her to know that I read this post. Hmmm...

Kitty said...

He's a good kid, but very independent. Doesn't call his Mommy enough, but I guess at the ripe old age of 24, that can be forgiven. Okay, we won't tell Something that you read her blog. I can keep a secret. Kitty ;)