Friday, September 29, 2006

Speaking of monkeys

It's scary how human the baby looks. Like an ugly human baby, granted, but still.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

you look like a monkey and you smell like one too

This weekend should be exciting. Tomorrow's my 23rd birthday, which I have mixed feelings about. I just think 23 is too old. Too old for me, anyway. It works on some people. But, I'm going to a toga party on Saturday, which I've always wanted to do. I went to a toga party when I was 11, which was awesome, and hopefully this one'll be even better. Also, tomorrow marks one week since I've smoked. You have no idea how encouraging this is, b/c I've found the secret to quitting: make new friends who don't smoke & distance yourselves from those who do. This has its drawbacks for sure, since you might actually like your smoking friends better. And I know I'll start again (I'm going to Vegas in 2 weeks, so of course I'm going to smoke again), but it's nice to know that under the right circumstances it's doable.
Memorable birthdays for me:
6: had the flu & puked on my cake. But my b-day fell on Yom Kippur, so it evened out. (I have pictures of this. I'm wearing my brownie outfit and don't look happy.)
15: had my first cigarette. A Newport.
18: all alone at TAC b/c everyone was at the gala.
20: My first radiohead concert (technically the day before, but we were still there at midnite)
21: Brick's Kellar in D.C. Peed on the shoulder of the Beltway on my way home. Also had champagne at work (9 a.m. at the pharmacy)
22: studying for LSAT. Also, not allowed to drink that year. Boo hiss

Thursday, September 21, 2006

TV sucks

At my roommates' behest I sat and watched The Office (American) and Grey's Anatomy. Having seen the REAL The Office (British), not only was the American version not funny, it pissed me off bigtime. Bigtime. Wow. And Grey's Anatomy was so godawful boring and trite I wanted to jump out the window into a pile of broken glass. And these were the long-awaited season premieres! My introduction to these shows was when they had 3 months to pull out all the stops. And during The Office my roommate who loves it & has never seen the original version was laughing hysterically at the dumbest and most obvious-appeal-to-the-lowest-common-denominator bullshit. Sigh. There's nothing to do now- wait! I'm in law school! Maybe I should crack open a book, just for fun.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Well, since no one reads my blog anymore looks like I can just post any random thing that amuses me without feeling guilty. And here it is. I've been watching a lot of and as I was searching for simpsons episodes, I somehow got sucked into the other dysfunctional Simpson family, aka The Newlyweds. My favorite line: Jessica, pouting outside the car as Nick Lachey gets into the driver's side: "Baby, when we were first married you used to always open the car door for me." Nick: "Yeah, well, when we were first married I was also getting laid."

Thursday, September 14, 2006

My new favorite song: The Bagman's Gambit by the Decemberists: it's the ultimate spy/love story. here's the first verse:

On the lam from the law
On the steps of the Capitol
You shot a plainclothes cop on the ten o'clock
And I saw momentarily
They flashed a photograph, it couldn't be you
You'd been abused so horribly but you were there in some anonymous room
And I recall that fall I was working for the government
And in a bathroom stall off the National Mall
How we kissed so sweetly
How could I refuse a favor or two?
For a tryst in the greenery I gave you documents and microfilm, too. . .

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The grass is always greener

I've spent the last 2 1/2 weeks sleeping on the floor, which, I'll admit, kinda sucked. So yesterday I got a bed & now I realize how lucky I had it, wanting to get up at 7 am every morning when my alarm went off.

Friday, September 01, 2006