Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Go ahead. Give your neurosis a name.

Gamophobia Fear of marriage
Rhytiphobia " " getting wrinkles
Arachibutyrophobia (a personal favorite) '' " peanut butter stuck to the roof of one's mouth
Homilophobia " " sermons
Onomatophobia " " hearing certain words
Ephebiphobia " " teenagers
Genuphobia " " knees
Necrophobia " " death
Scoleciphobia " " worms
Anuptaphobia " " staying single (wow I guess it would suck to be gamophobic and anuptaphoic)
Myxophobia " " slime
Amychophobia " " getting scratched
Chionophobia " " snow. Oh come on!
Novercaphobia " " one's stepmother
Coulrophobia " " clowns.


LMO said...

what about a fear of worms that don't move efficiently?

SomethingInMyEye said...

well, see, then you kill them.