Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So I heard back about my baby's genetics testing, and it turns out
1) she's a Girl! I knew it! (although others had temporarily talked me into thinking she was a he)
2) she was perfectly healthy (i.e., right number of chromosomes and so forth) which means, it really was just a freak cord accident and extremely unlikely to happen again.
So, I have to change what I've been calling her in my head from Joseph to Catherine- I hope she doesn't mind that I've been calling her the wrong name!
But where she is, I don't think anything bothers her (;

PS- I know I ought to be uber happy that she would have been a healthy baby, but in a sense it isn't very comforting, you know? But we have to take the good with the bad. Everything for a reason. And one day I'll either know the reason or be so divinely happy that I won't care.

1 comment:

LMO said...

Oh, you got the results!

It really is a cause for mixed emotions, but still very relieving to not worry about a possibly recurrent problem, I think :)