Friday, April 20, 2007

zach galifiankis

My favorites are the Chuck E Cheese & Axe quotes. (He's a burly, bearded man with slightly crazy eyes). He's in the fiona apple video I posted below.

"You know you're an alcoholic when the bartender knows your name... and you've never been to that bar before."
"Three years ago my sister was diagnosed with multiple personalities, and there's nothing funny about that. But she phoned me the other day...and my caller ID exploded."
"I wish there was a morning after pill for Denny's Moons over My Hammy."
"When you look like I do, It's hard to get a table for one at Chuck E. Cheese."
"That show 'The Amazing Race'- is that about white people?"
"I would start a revolution, but... I just bought a hammock."
"I want to move to India or Pakistan, and become a cab driver."
"My name's Zach Galifianakis... I hope I'm pronouncing that right."
"I just released a DVD. It's selling like whatever the opposite of 'hotcakes' is."
"At what age do you tell a highway it is adopted?"
"I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day in my fort."
"I want to open up a store for cross-dressers. I'll call it 'Susan B. Anthony'"
"I wear a lot of Axe bodyspray, but I live in a black neighborhood and it's called Ask. And if you don't get that you're not racist."


mags said...

Haha! I'm TOTALLY with you on the Axe one. I get that crap all the time renting to... hmmm.... certain people..... at work.

"I dunno, baby, this bitch keep axin' me if I's gonna insure the veehickle.. but I don't GOT no insurance!"

Ye-ah. Umm. The bitch is RIGHT HERE. I can HEAR you.

LMO said...

the exploding caller ID and the axe/ask one made me laugh pretty loudly, and i'm at work, which totally disrupts the soft piano music in the lobby.

and mags comment is hillarious.

mags said...

So you gonna post and tell us how your CA trip was? :) I'm sooo jealous you got to go to graduation!

LMO said...

come one claire, it's been over a month since you posted your 420 funnies.