Saturday, September 16, 2006

Well, since no one reads my blog anymore looks like I can just post any random thing that amuses me without feeling guilty. And here it is. I've been watching a lot of and as I was searching for simpsons episodes, I somehow got sucked into the other dysfunctional Simpson family, aka The Newlyweds. My favorite line: Jessica, pouting outside the car as Nick Lachey gets into the driver's side: "Baby, when we were first married you used to always open the car door for me." Nick: "Yeah, well, when we were first married I was also getting laid."


phil said...

come on, The Newlyweds? seriously.

Now would be a good time to start feeling guilty.

N said...

Yeah, like, I read your blog still too.

N said...

(I'm not offended, BTW.)

mags said...


I mean, we slept together for a year and a half. Just because I'm still a no-good and haven't returned your calls yet doesn't mean I've just forgotten about you.

(I WILL utilize that new cell phone of yours soon, by the way)