This weekend should be exciting. Tomorrow's my 23rd birthday, which I have mixed feelings about. I just think 23 is too old. Too old for me, anyway. It works on some people. But, I'm going to a toga party on Saturday, which I've always wanted to do. I went to a toga party when I was 11, which was awesome, and hopefully this one'll be even better. Also, tomorrow marks one week since I've smoked. You have no idea how encouraging this is, b/c I've found the secret to quitting: make new friends who don't smoke & distance yourselves from those who do. This has its drawbacks for sure, since you might actually like your smoking friends better. And I know I'll start again (I'm going to Vegas in 2 weeks, so
of course I'm going to smoke again), but it's nice to know that under the right circumstances it's
doable. Memorable birthdays for me:
6: had the flu & puked on my cake. But my b-day fell on Yom Kippur, so it evened out. (I have pictures of this. I'm wearing my brownie outfit and don't look happy.)
15: had my first cigarette. A Newport.
18: all alone at TAC b/c everyone was at the gala.
20: My first radiohead concert (technically the day before, but we were still there at midnite)
21: Brick's Kellar in D.C. Peed on the shoulder of the Beltway on my way home. Also had champagne at work (9 a.m. at the pharmacy)
22: studying for LSAT. Also, not allowed to drink that year. Boo hiss