Friday, February 17, 2006

I got an email encouraging the use of , a pro-life search engine (it's powered by google- use it; the more hits they get, the more they can donate to pro-life causes, plus it works jkust like any other engine) and just for kicks I entered my blog name. Then I found out that there's a FANTASY BLOG STOCK MARKET and they've got all these stats & graphs about my blog & I have no idea WHAT THE HELL this means. Check it out for yourselves! If your blog names are too mundane, maybe it won't come up, but if ou type in somethinginmyeye this weird stock market is one of the first links. And it's got a list of other TACer blogs too if you scroll down, with their market value or whatvever. crazy.

1 comment:

Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

it turns out Kitty Mason owns 80% of my blog.