Tuesday, September 13, 2005

For the record, could we go off the record?

So I've been sending emails to admissions offices for my 5 or 6 gee-I-hope-I-get-in-but-it-would-be-a-miracle law school choices. The email is thus:
"My cumulative GPA will be about a 3.15 but I expect a high LSAT score. Could you please give me a rough idea, off the record, of what I would need my score to be to probably be accepted? I realize there are other factors to consider, but I'm sure there is a range of what's usually statistically acceptable."
Apparently the way they respond to this general inquiry is:
"Without reading your full application, we, unfortunately, cannot give you an idea of what score you will need. We recommend that you just try your hardest. Good luck!"
Try my hardest? Hmm... so...simple. And yet, so... BRILLIANT!!! Why did that never occur to me?
They just want my non-refundable $70 application fee. Greedy jerks.


LMO said...

How frustrating. I decided the other day while listening to a radio talk show that if I had followed my plan to go to law school, I would have loved to specialize in medical defenses. Maybe I'll just continue school forever and ultimately do nothing. Or everything.

The Smoker said...

CP, you better make it to AGTSOTMBBQ. E-mail me if you need specifics. No thesis proposal excuses allowed.

SomethingInMyEye said...

arthur grumbine's totally smokin' or tepid monster bbq?