Friday, February 11, 2005

I CAN'T do links. You would laugh if you knew how I try and fail. And don't bother trying to explain it to me, and above all, please don't say "It's easy." It's easy if you know anything about these things. But that's tautology. I get caught up thinking about "how in the world....." and then I space out when people try to explain technichal things. I can't get over the telephone. Or for that matter the moving type.....
I still don't have a cell phone and I don't even want one. I never save papers onto discs. I print them out directly from whatever computer I'm using at the time because I somehow can't trust my precious words to a "floppy disk." It's not that I dislike technology or fear it or think it's evil.... but I don't understand it & when i don't understand something that's all around me it makes me wanna grab some people and find a bottle of wine so I can wander off into nature and forget about everything except flesh and bone and trees and birds and other happy organic things.

1 comment:

LMO said...

and this is *precisely* why we must stomp on earth worms.