Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Hello, My Name is_______

Ok so I want to spice up my routine & I found a great way, but this only works if your job involves name tags. Be a different name every few days. Even if it's not a real name. For example, if your name tag accidentally loses letters or rearranges to form exciting new words or, if you've got the grapes, word fragments. Today I was "ie" and yesterday I was "icer." I've been Matt a few times; once I was even Department Manager, but I felt silly & took it off after twenty minutes.


Iamjack42 said...

I used to put a post-it note with a literature question on it when I worked in a bookstore cofee shop. You would be amazed at how few people know which book the line "call me Ismael" is from.

Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

I used "Ferris" back when I was a valet at the Omni.

LMO said...

One day you can be 'relic'

Sephora said...

I had to use different name tags at work when I forgot mine, since they were part of the uniform. It's amazing how well the customers remember the real names of the waitresses they enjoy. "That's not your name," I heard from our regulars, while those thinking they were pretty hip would say, "Hey, [fake name]! Good to see you again!" yeah, right.