Monday, September 22, 2008

Lip My Stocking!

So I've been looking at cheap wedding dress sites, and i found one called light in the box, and I realized that everything's from China and then I read a customer testimonial. It was from a guy named "ray," apparently from the U.S., since there was a little American flag next to his name. This is what he had to say about this wholesale merchandise website.

"i received this phone about 1 week ago. and i showed it to many friends of me. when they look at it, they thought it's a pack of cigarettes, but then i let them know it actually is a phone, they laughed a lot . it has kind of feeling like that shoe phone in that movie GET SMART. so as a funny thing i think i like it."

But wait- there's more!

Diana Aguirre from Tennessee apparently said: "So fast shipping and excellent service.”

Darren Ennis from the UK says: “Excellent value for money & very fast delivery considering it came from china - very recommended.”

Someone from Canada said: “great oparator it help me a lot on thinks that I wanted to know”

Hmmmm..... I think I'll go back to combing through ebay's selections now....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It Figures....

... that the class I'm doing the best in is the one I had opted to do pass/fail.