My roommate decided we need some art in our apartment since we live like squatters. So I stuck a safety pin in the wall, she added a shoebox lid, and voila. It's actually not crooked. But it is "upside-down." Ha!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Art Institute of Chicago. Cameron-Fry-gets-in-touch-with-his-lost-childhood-painting (aka A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, Georges Seurat)
Friday, November 17, 2006
Anyone ever been to Chicago? Any suggestions for what to see/do?
Friday, November 10, 2006
Ever wonder what kind of cake to get when you're celebrating your upcoming divorce from your rich rock-star husband? Wonder no more.
So say the Dems, happy as a kid in a candy store (and, I suspect, just as eager to leave it barren). Well, America's gonna get some change. God help us. At least we'll have someone else to blame in '08. So, uh, we got that goin for us. Which is nice.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I have decided two very important things. 1. My new pet peeve is when people use the word "funds" instead of "money" when they're talking about their personal finances. 2. "Puppy" is my new favorite word. 3. I want a puppy.
(I was reading a case in which a puppy was returned as being defective b/c of a serious urinary tract infection & I kept giggling to see "puppy" over & over in a court opinion.)
It's seems that all I'm good at anymore is smoking and pissing off people at the '05 msn group. Oh, and I'm very good at pissing away study time floating around the internet while I should be researching NY statutes and case law addressing implied warranty and particular purpose so I can turn in an 8 page preliminary memo for class on Monday. This is a nice song.
I teared (teered, not tared) up at Mass today. It was in the chapel, maybe 15 people; very intimate and quiet. The priest was an old Italian with a thick accent but a lovely voice that sounds like he's reading Dante whenever he talks. He kept telling us about storing up our treasure in heaven. Over and over, saying that our "law diplomas" won't mean anything in heaven and what are we going to do with all the things we work so hard for here when we die? God wants us to do great things yet we are always playing foolish little games, then he'd echo softly, "foolish little games." It would maybe have sounded trite were it not for the accent or the grandfatherly love in his look, but whatever it was, it was wonderful to hear and I thought about how simple it is and how much I wished everyone on Earth would just take a break from making everything so complicated and hateful just to try out the whole storing up a treasure in heaven thing. And it sounds obvious and unneccessary to even say to adults, but it's not less true for all that. Why do people resist happiness? And don't tell me they don't: I've seen them; they do.